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Kaynak Listeleri
- Team
- Vue'yi Destekle
- Diğer Diller
- Kurulum
- Giriş
- Vue Örneği
- Şablon Sentaksı
- Computed Properties and Watchers
- Class and Style Bindings
- Conditional Rendering
- List Rendering
- Event Handling
- Form Input Bindings
- Components Basics
Components In-Depth
- Component Registration
- Props
- Custom Events
- Slots
- Dynamic & Async Components
- Handling Edge Cases
Transitions & Animation
- Enter/Leave & List Transitions
- State Transitions
Reusability & Composition
- Mixins
- Custom Directives
- Render Functions & JSX
- Plugins
- Filters
- Single File Components
- Unit Testing
- TypeScript Support
- Production Deployment
Scaling Up
- Routing
- State Management
- Server-Side Rendering
- Reactivity in Depth
- Migration from Vue 1.x
- Migration from Vue Router 0.7.x
- Migration from Vuex 0.6.x to 1.0
- Comparison with Other Frameworks
- Join the Vue.js Community!
- Meet the Team
State Management
Official Flux-Like Implementation
Large applications can often grow in complexity, due to multiple pieces of state scattered across many components and the interactions between them. To solve this problem, Vue offers vuex: our own Elm-inspired state management library. It even integrates into vue-devtools, providing zero-setup access to time travel debugging.
Information for React Developers
If you’re coming from React, you may be wondering how vuex compares to redux, the most popular Flux implementation in that ecosystem. Redux is actually view-layer agnostic, so it can easily be used with Vue via simple bindings. Vuex is different in that it knows it’s in a Vue app. This allows it to better integrate with Vue, offering a more intuitive API and improved development experience.
Simple State Management from Scratch
It is often overlooked that the source of truth in Vue applications is the raw data
object - a Vue instance only proxies access to it. Therefore, if you have a piece of state that should be shared by multiple instances, you can share it by identity:
const sourceOfTruth = {}
const vmA = new Vue({
data: sourceOfTruth
const vmB = new Vue({
data: sourceOfTruth
Now whenever sourceOfTruth
is mutated, both vmA
and vmB
will update their views automatically. Subcomponents within each of these instances would also have access via this.$root.$data
. We have a single source of truth now, but debugging would be a nightmare. Any piece of data could be changed by any part of our app at any time, without leaving a trace.
To help solve this problem, we can adopt a store pattern:
var store = {
debug: true,
state: {
message: 'Hello!'
setMessageAction (newValue) {
if (this.debug) console.log('setMessageAction triggered with', newValue)
this.state.message = newValue
clearMessageAction () {
if (this.debug) console.log('clearMessageAction triggered')
this.state.message = ''
Notice all actions that mutate the store’s state are put inside the store itself. This type of centralized state management makes it easier to understand what type of mutations could happen and how they are triggered. Now when something goes wrong, we’ll also have a log of what happened leading up to the bug.
In addition, each instance/component can still own and manage its own private state:
var vmA = new Vue({
data: {
privateState: {},
sharedState: store.state
var vmB = new Vue({
data: {
privateState: {},
sharedState: store.state
It’s important to note that you should never replace the original state object in your actions - the components and the store need to share reference to the same object in order for mutations to be observed.
As we continue developing the convention where components are never allowed to directly mutate state that belongs to a store, but should instead dispatch events that notify the store to perform actions, we eventually arrive at the Flux architecture. The benefit of this convention is we can record all state mutations happening to the store and implement advanced debugging helpers such as mutation logs, snapshots, and history re-rolls / time travel.
This brings us full circle back to vuex, so if you’ve read this far it’s probably time to try it out!